Research Facilities

Research Facilities


simulation and measurement facilities

We conduct our research in one of the world’s leading universities. The Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics houses a vast array of simulation tools (e.g. CST, HFSS, FEKO and ADS) and measurement facilities (e.g. chambers and VNAs) for antennas, RF/microwave devices and systems designs and performance evaluation

The Chemistry Department has a full range of material development facilities and is closely linked to the £81m Materials Innovation Factory (MIF) which provides us with access to state-of-the-art facilities for both synthesis and electromagnetic characterisation of new materials.

chemistry department

Our Liquid Antenna Research Group hosts a range of special instrument probes and VNAs specifically for dielectric measurement of liquid, gel, semi-solid and solid materials. Measurements can also be performed across a wide range of conditions such as temperature (-50 to +200°C), humidity (environmental chamber) and under inert atmospheric gasses (e.g. N2 or Ar).

Validation of Measurement Results is ensured by comparison of reference materials with reliable literature sources and data provided by the National Physical Laboratory (NPL).

Validation of measurement results